Business Analysis

Facebook Mission and Vision Statement Analysis

Facebook Mission and Vision Statement Analysis to describe the business of the company, its objectives, and its approach to attain those goals

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Facebook is a social media platform that is known by everyone, including children. When it came on the market back in the February of the year 2004, it brought a revolution, and since then, it has been bringing changes in the lives of millions of people. It was founded by CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and ever since its origin, it has been seen as one of the most dynamic and progressive social media platforms all across the globe. The vision and mission statement analysis of Facebook would help in understanding the communication between the organization and stakeholders, to inform the strategic development, and to develop the objectives and goals of the company. Most of the time, the element of mission and vision statements are combined to build a statement regarding the goals, objectives, and values of a company. The thing which sets Facebook apart from the rest of the social media platforms is the creative and strategic mindset of the management to adopt the vision and mission statement as per the changing world. The vision statement acts as a map for the company to set its mission for the next few years. 

Mission Statement 

Facebook is known as a vibrant company whose mission is influenced by the core values of the company. Facebook's mission statement is "to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together." This new mission statement was developed during the data privacy and security issue, which also involved Cambridge Analytica and some other parties. Back in the year 2017, the mission statement of Facebook was completely different, which was "to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected." In this sense, it can be demonstrated that the present mission statement is about creating a strong global community. The main goal is to make this social media platform a platform for connection and building relationships. The company also focuses on making the platform a source of sharing knowledge and valuable communication. 

Mission Statement Analysis 

A Facebook mission statement can be analyzed by dividing it into parts. The mission statement can be divided into three parts that are empowerment, enabling community building, and connecting the world.

Empowering people 

The platform of Facebook and its sibling, including WhatsApp and Instagram, allow people to be empowered by using their services in many forms. 


Finance empowering is being done through marketing and advertising of products and services. It helps in empowering especially small scale businesses that do not have any spacious offices or physical business units. 


When it comes to politics, Facebook tries to be apolitical, but through Facebook, various political parties try to convince its supporters to vote. Back in the year 2020, Facebook ran the largest voter information campaign that helped more than 4 million people to register and cast a vote in the U.S election. 

Morally and Ethically 

In the present world, so many religious groups from all across the globe, including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Confucianism, Sikhism, and many others, are present on Facebook. In addition, during the pandemic of Covid-19, so many religious programs were held online. 


Health Education on Facebook has truly contributed to guiding the people. It has a range of information from simple health tips, including how to sit straight and balance the body, to the complex ailments including typhoid, malaria, diabetes, hypertension, and Covid-19. The world has truly been empowered. 


Facebook serves as a hub for many educational websites. In the Covid-19 world, students learned remote learning through the platform of Facebook and WhatsApp. 

Community Building 

One of the most important things offered by Facebook is community building. There is a connection between family and friends. Then there is the connection between different communities. Last but not least, there is a connection between different government and non-government groups. 

Connects the World 

This world owes to Facebook for becoming a global village in the present time. News flies from one part to another at the speed of light, all because of social media platforms. Facebook connects the world not by news by allowing the people to communicate on the topic of interest and current scenarios. Many people belonging to different backgrounds, religions, ethnicity, and countries become friends over Facebook through a sudden interaction under a post which marks the importance of Facebook in bringing people closer and allowing them to discover different cultures, traditions, and values. People not only learn about these things. Rather they tend to respect those traditions despite differences to spread peace and promote cultural diversity. 

Vision Statement 

The vision statement of Facebook is concerned with the services which are being offered by the company. The vision statement of the company is, "People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them."This vision statement gives rise to the idea that the business of Facebook is not just an online networking site or platform but rather the acquisition of knowledge and a source of valuable communication among all users. The vision also gives the idea that the company sees itself as an interlocutor or facilitator of communication among members of family and friends. The vision statement allows the company to grow on so many levels and helps in getting the desired result as visualized by the creators. 

Vision Statement Analysis 

Facebook's vision statement allows the world to become a global village. Facebook also acts as a global discovery tool that ensures access to unlimited information. The company has also made the platform a business interactive platform where user behavior can also be interpreted. There are no limits to learning over this platform. A person even can approach an educational institute for information purposes. Its services allow people to discover innovation, technology, and science. Facebook also helps people to express their opinion. There is freedom of expression over the platform Facebook. Through Facebook, people can voice their opinion, can give their critiques on matters of concern, and they can even question the authority. However, the company has ensured that there are rules and regulations and community guidelines for the betterment of society that need to be followed by every user. Action is being taken in case of violation of community guidelines.  

Core Values 

The core values of Facebook include "focus on impact, move fast, be bold, be open, and build social value." The company focuses on these core values to reflect its position and to base its vision and mission statement. Facebook values bringing positivity to society, and Facebook does bring positivity by stimulating its workforce. Today, Facebook has reached a progressive level because it does not only focus on the implementation of strategies but also on being confident in itself in bringing a change in the society and remains true to the society by sticking to its core values.

Mind Map 

Mind Map acts like a note on which the important points are being written for immediate differentiation and identification between the two most important statements. Although, from the surface, both of these seem to be the same, however, when we dig deeper, then we get to know about the actual difference between these two.  

Key Takeaways 

Facebook is a name that is known by everyone and by every community for many purposes. Facebook has made lives easier. Everything is just one click away. Facebook plays the role of an interlocutor among different communities and sections of society. The vision and mission statement analysis of Facebook would help in understanding the communication between the organization and stakeholders, to inform the strategic development, and to develop the objectives and goals of the company. Most of the time, the element of mission and vision statements are combined to build a statement regarding the goals, objectives, and values of a company. The in-depth analysis of the mission and vision statement of Facebook helps in deciphering the objectives and goals of the company. 


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