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Best Figma Alternatives in 2024

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Best Figma Alternatives

In the ever-evolving realm of digital design, Figma has carved out its place as a stalwart companion for designers far and wide. But as we sail through 2024, the horizons beckon with fresh alternatives that promise new possibilities and adventures. Today, I am on my way to exploring these new frontiers, sharing my firsthand experience with these tools that have emerged as true contenders in the ring of design software.


1. ClickUp

Stepping into the world of ClickUp, one is greeted with a cornucopia of features that seem to stretch into infinity. It's not just a testament to ingenuity but an ode to the collaborative spirit that breathes life into design work.

ClickUp Template - Blog


Infinite Whiteboards for Easy Collaboration and Brainstorming

ClickUp's whiteboards are my sanctuary. Here, ideas aren't just born—they're nurtured until they blossom into full-fledged designs. As I've experienced, there's no limit to the creativity that can unfold on this vast canvas.

ClickUp Forms to Collect Design Requests and Feedback

Interactive forms have honed my process of eliciting client insights and requests. The feedback loop is no longer choked with the clutter of back-and-forth emails but flows smoothly through ClickUp's thoughtfully designed forms.

Chat View for Instant Discussions

Conversations about design modifications don't deserve to be buried in messy threads. ClickUp's chat view has become my go-to for quick discussions, ensuring that my team and I are always on the same wavelength.

Design-friendly Templates

The templates in ClickUp have shepherded me through various projects. Each one is a blueprint that sails through my workflow with grace and flair, guiding the project toward its final form.

ClickUp Dashboards to View Design Workflows

Transparency isn't just corporate jargon here; ClickUp's dashboards illuminate my project's trajectory, giving everyone a clear view of our progress.

Available on Mobile and Desktop Devices

Flexibility has a new champion with ClickUp. Whether I'm on the move or stationed at my desk, the app keeps me tethered to my workspace.

Highly Scalable

Small project or a large enterprise endeavor? It doesn't matter. ClickUp scales with the ambition of my projects, never flinching at the prospect of growth.

1,000+ Integrations

A veritable digital Swiss Army knife, ClickUp's generous integrations mean I'm always equipped with the right tools at the right time, right within the app.

Proofing Feature for Quick Design Approvals

The path to approval is treacherous no more. Quick feedback and swift sign-offs have become the norm, thanks to ClickUp's intuitive proofing feature.



Customizing It to Your Team's Needs May Take Some Time

Perfection requires patience. Tailoring ClickUp to the minutiae of my team's workflow has been a journey replete with trial and error.

The Mobile App Has Limited Features

Bound by the small screen, the mobile app sometimes feels like a bird with clipped wings, longing for the freedom of its desktop counterpart.



  • Free Forever
  • Unlimited: $7/month per user
  • Business: $12/month per user


2. Axure RP

Axure RP stands out as a powerful tool for UX/UI designers focused on creating complex prototypes with dynamic content, conditional logic, and adaptive views. It's a preferred choice for professionals who aim to simulate sophisticated web and mobile applications before the development stage. Axure RP is ideal for professionals looking for an all-encompassing tool to bring the most intricate designs to life through prototyping, offering invaluable features at competitive prices.

Axure RP 10


Create Highly Interactive UX Prototypes

Offers the ability to create highly interactive UX prototypes with unlimited combinations including event triggers, actions, and parameters, enabling a highly realistic simulation of the final product.

Equipped with collaboration tools

Equipped with collaboration tools such as shareable links, allowing teams to work together in real-time, ensuring that everyone is aligned and up-to-date with the latest design iterations.

Platforms Integrated

Integrated with popular platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Sketch, Adobe XD, enhancing workflow efficiency by enabling seamless communication and file transfer across different tools used within the design process.

Powerful Documentation Capabilities

Features powerful documentation capabilities that allow users to automatically generate specifications for prototypes, making the hand-off from design to development smoother and more efficient.

Extensive Library of Widgets

Provides an extensive library of widgets and pre-built elements, facilitating rapid prototyping and enabling designers to focus on high-level design decisions without getting bogged down in the details.



Complex Features

The complexity of features and steep learning curve may be daunting for beginners.

Expensive Cost

Higher cost compared to some other alternatives, which might be a consideration for freelancers or small teams on a tight budget.



  • Axure RP Pro: $29.00/month billed monthly or $25.00/month billed annually
  • Axure RP Team: $49.00/month billed monthly or $42.00/month billed annually


3. Framer

Venturing into the world of Framer, designers find a vibrant landscape where imagination meets implementation. Framer stakes its claim in the digital design wilderness with a no-code approach that empowers designers to build, share, and launch websites with unparalleled agility. Framer emerges as a powerful ally for those looking to blend design with functionality without dipping their toes into coding.



No-code Website Builder

Framer's cornerstone lies in its no-code philosophy. This empowers me and countless others to bring web designs to life without the traditional coding barricades, making web development accessible to designers of all skill levels.

Advanced Design and Layout Options

Diving deeper, Framer offers a toolkit brimming with advanced design and layout options. This arsenal allows for the crafting of intricate designs that stand out in the digital sea, pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Seamless Integration with Figma

Harmony in the design tool ecosystem is a rare find, yet Framer's seamless integration with Figma bridges the gap, enabling a fluid design process from wireframe to prototype.

SEO and Performance Features

Beyond aesthetics, Framer ensures that the websites we craft are not only visually appealing but also primed for the digital age with embedded SEO and performance features, guaranteeing faster load times and better search engine rankings.



No Category Customization

A notable chink in its armor, the lack of category customization marginally dims Framer's brilliance, limiting designers in organizing their projects precisely how they envision

Occasional Bugs

Like any software, Framer is not immune to bugs. On occasions, these gremlins can disrupt the creative flow, albeit momentarily.



  • Free
  • Mini: $5/month per user
  • Basic: $15/month per user
  • Pro: $30/month per user


4. UXPin

Into the design realm steps UXPin, a tool that positions itself as a comprehensive companion throughout the design process. UXPin shines a light on collaboration and consistency, ensuring that from the first draft to the final prototype, the journey is seamless and integrated.

UXPin Template - Exhibition


Supports the Entire Design Process

UXPin distinguishes itself by supporting the full spectrum of the design process. It's a haven where ideation, design, and prototyping coalesce, providing a singular platform for product development.

UXPin Merge for Consistency

With UXPin Merge, the gap between design and development narrows, ensuring consistency across product development. This feature enables the live syncing of design components and code, eradicating discrepancies between design intent and coding reality.

Advanced Design System Tools

At the heart of UXPin's appeal are its advanced design system tools. These powerful instruments empower teams to create and maintain design systems, ensuring uniformity and consistency across projects.


Collaboration is the lifeblood of design, and UXPin's platform fosters this spirit, enabling real-time feedback, iterations, and discussions, ensuring that teamwork is seamlessly integrated into the design process.



Occasional Autosave Issues

Despite its prowess, UXPin's armor is nicked by occasional autosave issues, a hiccup in the web app that can momentarily shadow the design experience.

Limited Documentation for Some Workflow Problems

While UXPin guides users through most terrains with ease, it sometimes falters, offering limited documentation for certain workflow conundrums, leaving users to navigate these mazes on their own.



  • Free
  • Essentials: $6/month per editor
  • Advanced: $29/month per editor
  • Merge AI: $39/month per editor
  • Company: $119/month per editor
  • Enterprise: Contact for pricing


5. Sketch

Built for macOS, Sketch offers an expansive workspace and a wealth of pre-built elements to jumpstart your designs. It even lets you create interactive prototypes, perfect for bringing your ideas to life. However, keep in mind it's exclusive to Apple users and has a more limited plugin selection.

Sketch for Prototyping


Native to macOS

Runs smoothly and leverages Mac features.

Infinite canvas

Design without size limitations.

Hundreds of Templates and Artboards

Jumpstart projects with pre-built elements.

Advanced prototyping tools

Create interactive mockups with features like transitions and animations



Available only on macOS:

Windows and Linux users are left out.

Limited plugin options

May not have the specific functionality you need compared to other platforms.



  • Standard (for solo designers and small teams): $10/month per editor billed yearly
  • Business (for teams and enterprises): $20/month per editor billed yearly
  • Mac-Only License (for solo designers): $120 one-time purchase 


6. Siter

With a familiar interface (especially for Figma users) and efficient layer grouping, Siter makes web design and creative projects a breeze. It also allows real-time collaboration. However, template options are limited, there's no true free tier, and the monthly cost is higher than some similar platforms. Plans start at $12/month for a single user.


Familiar, easy-to-use interface

Simple to learn and navigate, especially for Figma users.

Sorts layers in groups

Improves organization and workflow for web design and creative projects.

Supports Figma imports

Easily transition from existing Figma designs.

Real-time collaboration

Teams can work together seamlessly on projects.



Limited template options

Fewer pre-built elements compared to some alternatives.

No real free version

May not be suitable for casual users or those on a tight budget.

Higher monthly price

More expensive than similar platforms, especially for individual users.



  • Start: free
  • Solo: $7/month billed yearly for 2 editors included
  • Plus: $12/month billed yearly for 4 editors included
  • Pro: $24/month billed yearly for 6 editors included


7. Moqups

Moqups is a versatile drag-and-drop interface tool that allows for efficient wireframing, prototyping, and collaboration, making it ideal for quick design iterations.

Moqups Template - Pricing Page Wireframe


Drag-and-Drop Interface

An intuitive design that facilitates quick and easy layout creation without the need for extensive design experience.

Supports Creating Diagrams and Flowcharts

Ideal for mapping out website architectures, user flows, and more directly within the platform.

Online Whiteboard

Facilitates team brainstorming sessions and collaborative planning with an easy-to-use online whiteboard.

Rich Asset Library

Offers a wide variety of icons, templates, and fonts, making it easier to design high-fidelity mockups and prototypes.



Offline Inaccessibility

Moqups require an internet connection for use, limiting its utility in offline environments.

Occasionally, Slower Page Loading

Some users experience slow loading times, particularly with complex projects or lower bandwidth environments.



  • Free: Access to limited features, suitable for small projects or individuals starting out.
  • Solo: $9/month for 1 seat, designed for freelancers and solo designers.
  • Team: $15/month for five seats, optimized for small teams needing collaboration tools.
  • Unlimited: $40/month for unlimited seats, offering full features for large organizations or projects.


8. Penpot

Penpot is the first open-source design and prototyping platform built for cross-domain teams. It supports SVG natively and runs in the browser, enabling teams to design freely.



Open-Source and Web-Based

Making it a freely available tool that supports transparency and community-driven improvements.

Based on SVG

Provides high-quality outputs that are scalable without loss of fidelity, suitable for numerous design needs.

Productivity-Friendly Focus Mode

Allows users to concentrate on design work without distractions, enhancing focus and output.

Handy-Sharing Options

Facilitates collaboration through easy sharing of designs and prototypes with team members or stakeholders.



Interface Glitches

Some users report occasional interface issues that can disrupt the workflow.

Lack of Dark Mode

Absence of a dark mode option which is a common feature in design tools to reduce eye strain during long working hours.



Free: Penpot is completely free to use, underscoring its commitment to making design tools accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget.


9. Corel Vector (Gravit Designer Pro)

Formerly known as Gravit Designer Pro, Corel Vector is a full-featured vector graphic design app that includes live effects and powerful vector manipulation tools.

Corel Vector aka Gravit Designer


Online and Offline Mode

Provides flexibility for users to work from anywhere, whether they have an internet connection or not.

Intuitive Interface

Designed for ease of use, allowing both beginners and professionals to efficiently navigate and utilize its features.

35+ Live, Non-Destructive Effects and Adjustments

Enables creative freedom with the ability to experiment without permanently altering the original design elements.

Powerful Vector Manipulation Options

Offers advanced tools for precise and sophisticated vector artwork creation.



No Free Plan

Unlike many of its competitors, Corel Vector does not offer a free tier, which may limit access for individuals or small teams with tight budgets.

Not Everyone Liked the Alterations After Rebranding

Some users feel the changes post-rebranding have affected the tool's usability or performance negatively.



  • $69.99/year: Provides access to all features, support, and updates, making it a competitive option for professional designers looking for a comprehensive toolset.


10. Lunacy

Lunacy by Icons8 is a free graphic design software tailored especially for Windows users. It supports Sketch files natively and offers an extensive graphics library and smart layer tree.

Lunacy Software Review


Extensive Built-in Graphics Library

Offers a vast collection of assets like icons, photos, and illustrations, streamlining the design process.

Routine Killers

Features designed to automate and speed up repetitive tasks, enhancing productivity.

Smart Layer Tree

Helps organize layers in a more intuitive manner, making it easier to manage complex designs.

Auto Updates of Generated Content

Ensures that all components within a design stay current with the latest updates without manual intervention.



Some Users Mention They Get Logged Out Occasionally

This can disrupt the workflow, requiring users to frequently sign back in.

Could Use More Extensions

While Lunacy comes with a strong set of features, some users feel that additional extensions could further enhance its functionality.



Free: Lunacy is completely free to use, offering extensive features without any cost, making it an attractive option for designers of all levels.


Comparison Table: Best Figma Alternatives in a Nutshell

Below is a table outlining the best Figma alternatives in 2024, highlighting their major features, drawbacks, and pricing:



Major Features

Major Drawbacks


ClickUpInfinite Whiteboards, 1,000+ integrations, Proofing featureTime-consuming customization, Limited mobile app featuresFree; Unlimited: $7/month per user; Business: $12/month per user
Axure RPMake UX prototypes with unlimited combinations, Equipped with collaboration toolsComplex features, Expensive prices

Pro: $29/user/month

Team: $49/user/month

FramerNo-code website builder, Seamless Figma integrationNo category customization, Occasional bugsFree; Mini: $5/month; Basic: $15/month; Pro: $30/month per user
UXPinUXPin Merge, Advanced design system toolsAutosave issues, Limited documentationFree; Essentials: $6/month; Advanced: $29/month; Merge AI: $39/month; Company: $119/month per editor; Enterprise: Contact for pricing
SketchNative to macOS, Hundreds of Templates and ArtboardsOnly on macOS, Limited pluginsStandard: $10/month; Business: $20/month; Mac-Only License: $120
SiterEasy-to-use interface, Real-time collaborationLimited templates, No real free versionFree; Solo: $7/month; Plus: $12/month; Pro: $24/month
MoqupsDrag-and-drop interface, Rich asset libraryCannot be used offline; Slower page loadingFree; Solo: $9/month; Team: $15/month; Unlimited: $40/month
PenpotOpen-source and web-based, Based on SVGGlitchy interface, No dark modeFree
Corel Vector35+ live effects, Powerful vector manipulationNo free plan, Disliked alterations after rebranding$69.99/year
LunacyExtensive graphics library, Smart layer treeOccasional logouts Need more extensionsFree


This table provides an overview of alternative tools to Figma, considering their key advantages, potential limitations, and cost structure for each option as of the year 2024.


Final Words

selecting the right design and collaboration tool from the myriad of options available today is crucial for enhancing productivity, fostering creativity, and facilitating seamless teamwork. Each of the tools we've outlined—ranging from ClickUp's versatile project management features to Lunacy's extensive graphics library—offers unique features and potential drawbacks. Your choice should align with your team's specific needs, considering factors such as the platform's ease of use, integration capabilities, pricing, and the specific features that your design workflow requires.

Whether you're a small creative team needing an intuitive interface and real-time collaboration or a large enterprise looking for advanced design system tools and extensive integration options, there's a solution on this list that's sure to fit your needs. Remember to leverage free trials or free versions to test out a platform's capabilities thoroughly before committing to a subscription. By carefully assessing each option, you can empower your team with the right tool that not only streamlines your design process but also turns your creative visions into reality more efficiently.



Which design and collaboration tool offers the most comprehensive set of features for project management?

Answer: ClickUp stands out with its infinite whiteboards, over 1,000 integrations, and a proofing feature, making it a versatile choice for comprehensive project management needs.

Are there any design and collaboration tools that are open-source and free to use for professional purposes?

Answer: Penpot is an excellent open-source and web-based option that is completely free. It is especially notable for being based on SVG and catering to design and collaboration needs without any cost.

What is the best design tool for Mac users who prefer working with native applications?

Answer: Sketch is an optimal choice for Mac users, offering hundreds of templates and artboards. However, it's important to note that it is only available on macOS, which may limit collaboration with teams using different operating systems.

Which tool is recommended for teams needing a no-code website builder with Figma integration?

Answer: Framer is highly recommended for teams looking for a no-code website builder that offers seamless integration with Figma, enhancing the ease of designing and prototyping.

For teams working on a tight budget, what are the best free options for design and collaboration tools?

Answer: Both Lunacy and Penpot offer robust features for free, making them ideal options for teams or individuals working with limited financial resources. Lunacy provides an extensive graphics library and smart layer tree, while Penpot appeals with its open-source, web-based nature.

Is there a design and collaboration tool that also allows for the easy creation of high-fidelity interactive prototypes?

Answer: UXPin stands out for this purpose, offering advanced design system tools and UXPin Merge. Despite some challenges with autosave and documentation, it's a powerful tool for creating realistic, interactive prototypes that closely mimic the final product.

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